ABOUT | Nicole Riccardo
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Do any of these words make you feel a little dizzy

(no matter how many times you tell yourself you need to figure them out)?

I see you over there with your Spotify playlist on in the background, your second cup of coffee in hand, and that massive stack of books next to you that you’ll likely never actually get through (it's okay, same...)

And no matter how many cute new notebooks you buy from TJ Maxx, you still haven’t found the magic blueprint for turning your passion into reliable income.


Well, you are in the right place.

I'm here to help you leverage digital marketing so you can make a living doing what you love!


*Cue the Overture*

I’ll never forget the moment I decided definitively that I was going to be a musician. (Prepare yourself now for a major plot twist)


I was 13, sitting in a chair that swallowed me whole, absolutely mesmerized by my best friend playing Let It Be on her violin. In that moment, I dedicated my life to becoming a principal flutist in an orchestra.


And like the textbook Capricorn I am, I was dead-ass serious about my path to success. I didn’t let anything distract me from my goal. I ate, slept, and dreamt flute. And I got damn good at it.

ACT I: Prestige < Paycheck

Fast forward through attending a performing arts high school, numerous all-state trips, two performances in Carnegie Hall, a Bachelor's and Master’s degree in flute performance, running a woodwind quintet, a new music commission, some world premieres, touring, and a recording offer from NAXOS (casual) …

The prestige of all my accomplishments didn’t translate to a liveable paycheck.

I was forced to face my own personal nightmare—a 9-5 job. Which meant, hanging up my gigging hat.


ACT I: Prestige < Paycheck



About 6-months into my new 9-5, Josh Groban’s people called my people me to play on tour. (Also, casual)

It was the opportunity of a lifetime, and I had to say no. My boss wouldn’t allow me to take the time off.


Naturally, I started to “mourn” the loss of what could have been (Ugh, tour life with Josh Groban!) and slowly detach myself from the “starving artist”/principal flutist identity.

ACT I: Prestige < Paycheck

Thankfully, the owner of the multi-million dollar medical practice I worked at gave me the opportunity to dabble into the administrative side of things. Eventually, my boss realized I kindaaa had a knack for marketing, PR & design. Not only did I assist in the front-end design for their website, but I also worked with their big-wig marketing agency. (It was like something straight outta Mad Men!)


Marketing and design were new and exciting, and I became a TAD obsessive about learning anything and everything I could. Soon, I had a handful of private social media clients and new job offers in marketing.


And in 2018, I decided to leverage all of the branding and marketing strategies I had been honing for years, in combination with the skills I developed while running a professional woodwind quintet to start my own business.

ACT II: Musician turned Marketing Professional


Now, I live a life I never would have imagined was possible for myself.


​I don’t have to choose between marketing or music anymore. I get to have both—a full private studio of students, and a full client roster of badass entrepreneurs.

I spend my days helping my clients outline their courses, use Instagram strategically, and generate thousands of dollars in passive revenue.


You don’t have to give up anything.


You get to choose everything.


And I’m here to support you in doing just that.

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I’m a spooky b*tch. I’ve been featured on TV, radio, and magazines for my paranormal podcast where we travel the US doing paranormal investigations. (Check it out, here!)

I’m obsessed with New Orleans - when I’m not there, it feels like a piece of my soul is missing.

If left to my own devices, I’d probably eat tacos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

I can play more than just flute ;) I also play sax, clarinet, oboe, piano, and ukulele.

I have 2 music moods: belting Lady Gaga in the car, or playing Bach on my flute (If it ain’t BAROQUE, don’t fix it, ya know what I mean? 😜)


Badass Business Persona Quiz.png


Take this quiz to find out what your strengths are and where to take your business next

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