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Creating Content Buckets For Social Media

One of the most stressful parts of planning out content for your blog, social posts, or emails is figuring out what the heck to talk about, amiright or amiright?

So I want to share a super easy strategy to help get you organized and put an end to the blank stares at blinking cursors!

And that strategy is creating content buckets, my friend.

Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?

The first thing I want you to do is think about your niche, or area of specialty. Not sure you have one? Totally cool. Try this instead: Think long term. What do you want your life to look like? What are you making a living doing? What are you known for, and how do you help people?

Got it? Perfect.


(and hang it up next to your desk, look at it daily, and remind yourself of WHY you’re doing what you’re doing. Because lemme just say, it’s not an easy road creating something from nothing…..but SO so worth it, I promise!)

Next, I want you to brainstorm 3-5 different categories that directly relate to and/or support this niche/end goal. These are going to be your content buckets.

To give you an example, my buckets are music, entrepreneurship, monetization, and mindset.

And these categories are fairly broad, which is exactly what we want.


Because each category is going to house all of the specific topics that might fall within it. And THESE topics = your content ideas, my friend.

Brain dump party!!

To give you some more examples, here are topics that fall under my entrepreneurship content bucket:

  • Social media

  • Marketing

  • Building a website

  • Growing a business

  • Branding

  • Networking

  • Email automations

  • Sales funnels

  • Outsourcing

  • Copywriting

So many options!

And let’s be real, nothing gets the creative juices flowing better than a deadline, so here’s an exercise for ya:

Once you have your content buckets, grab a piece of paper and something to write with (or type it all on your computer), set a timer for 20 minutes, and BRAIN DUMP, my friend. Anything that pops into your head as a potential topic, write it down!

I personally use Trello to organize my content buckets, but you can use Google Docs, the notes on your phone...whatever moves you.

No matter where you keep track of it though, the important part is to continually ADD to your new content bank anytime inspiration strikes.

Having a convo with a friend and an idea pops up? ADD IT.

Scrolling through social media and see a thread that sparks that “...hmmm, I want to discuss this further.” ADD IT.

See a pin pop up on Pinterest that has a compelling title and you think, “I could talk about this topic!” ADD IT.

If you continuously add to this list, when you have those inevitable moments of “what the heck do I talk about…” you’re covered. You now have a massive stockpile of ideas to pick and choose from! 😘

If you want to learn more, make sure you check out my Instagram Playbook! It comes with tips on how to build real relationships with your followers, caption party starters, a hashtag strategy that will help you get in front of new clients and so much more! Get immediate access to my IG Playbook here!



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