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How To Get More Leads For Your Business In 2023

If you want to get more leads for your business this year, you need to use methods and strategies that are proven to work now in 2023. No more gross and sleazy bro marketing strategies or cold DMing people shit like, “Hey girl, tell me about your business and how you got started.” (Ew, get out of here with that!)

But before I get into my proven strategies that will help you get more leads for your business in 2023, we need to clear something up first.

A lot of business owners get lead generation confused with content creation. But lead generation is VERY different from things like visibility or an Instagram content planning strategy.

If you’re creating TikToks, Reels, or showing up on Instagram Stories, that’s great. We love that. Keep doing it! But that will only get you in front of your current audience.

If you want to grow your business, you need to get new leads into your world on a consistent and regular basis. That’s why today’s post is all about how to get more leads for your business.

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How To Get More Leads For Your Business In 2023

How To Get More Leads For Your Business With Community-Based Engagement In 2023

The first strategy you should use to get more leads for your business in 2023 is community-based engagement. Because let’s be honest, the same old crap that used to work isn't working anymore.

So what the heck are you supposed to do to get more leads for your business? That’s where community-based engagement on Instagram comes in. And it’s easier than you think!

Open up Instagram and search for accounts who are direct competitors for what you do, or anybody that has the same kind of target audience that you're trying to go after. Or you can search for relevant hashtags, keywords, or locations.

For example, let's say you're a photographer, and there's this big photography conference going on right now. What convention center is that happening in? Look up that location. I'd be willing to bet that most of the posts that are being tagged for that location right now are photographers who are there for that conference.

Now that we know where to find your people… go engage with them!

What I mean by this is actually talk to them and develop a relationship with them. I am NOT telling you to drop into their DMs, send a “hey girl!” message, and ask about their business. Or to just leave them some likes and then send them a message.

We’re going into this with the intention of actually being SOCIAL on social media. (Wow, novel idea!) You’re going into this with the intent of I'm a human being, I'm vibing with what you're putting down, and I genuinely wanna connect with you and get to know you. That is the intention here, okay? And if they eventually convert into a lead for you, that’s great. We love that.

Yes, community-based engagement is a long-term strategy. But by using this method, you’re going to build deeper relationships with your people. And your people are going to be much more LOYAL because they're getting to know you on a real, human level.

They're developing trust with you. They're believing that you know what the heck you're talking about. Therefore they're going to believe in your offers when you put them out. So really, the last thing here is… do they believe in themselves? Because if we can check that one off, there’s a pretttttyy high likelihood that they'll convert whenever you eventually launch something that fits their needs.

How To Get More Leads For Your Business With Shareable Content In 2023

The second strategy you should use to get more leads for your business in 2023 is shareable content. But first, you’ll need to do a little research.

When you’re on Instagram, TikTok, or whatever your social media platform of choice is, pay attention to the pieces of content that catch your attention.

Pay attention to the pieces of content that YOU are re-sharing in your Stories, that you're reposting, that you're sending to friends, and that your friends are also sharing in their Stories, reposting, and sending to you. That's a reaaallly good indicator of the type of content that you and your people are interested in because they're SHARING it.

Every time you have a piece of content shared by even ONE person, you are getting in front of their entire audience. Let’s say that person has 500 followers. In Instagram terms, that might not seem like that much. But if you really think about it, you’re now getting your content in front of FIVE HUNDRED NEW PEOPLE. That’s a lot of people, b!

I mean, we just talked about doing Instagram engagement. How long is it gonna take you to go find 500 new people on Instagram and then like their recent posts and leave them thoughtful comments and DMs? That's gonna take a lot of freaking time.

And I don't know about you, but I like working smarter, not harder. You're gonna get WAY more bang for your buck if you start creating more SHAREABLE content.

HOT TIP: People are significantly more likely to take an action if you ASK them to. So make sure you use a direct call to action for people to share your content.

You could do this in an email by saying something like, “Hey, if this really helped you, chances are it would help one of your besties. Forward this along to them and be that friend.” Or you could do this in an Instagram post by saying something like, “Share this in your stories if you agree.”

Just imagine the COMPOUND EFFECT of creating shareable content on a consistent, regular basis.

If your posts are consistently getting shared, you're consistently getting in front of all these new people. And that means you are going to get a consistent stream of new leads coming into your business. Yay, we love that!

How To Get More Leads For Your Business With YouTube Videos In 2023

The third strategy you should use to get more leads for your business in 2023 is YouTube videos. If you’ve never created YouTube videos before, I promise it’s never too late to start. I mean, I literally just posted my first video on YouTube this year!

I was avoiding creating YouTube videos because, let's just be honest, it takes a freaking minute to get up and get ready and deal with yourself. I'm lazy af. I like wearing my PJs and lying on the couch watching ghost shows.


YouTube has significantly less competition for ranking than Google does. And as we established earlier, I'm allll about working smarter, not harder.

For example, literally go on Google right now! And let's say you are a flute teacher, and something that people ask you a lot is “how to have a less airy flute sound.” If you go type that into Google right now, how many results are gonna come up for that? Probably a lot. But if you go type it into YouTube, the results for that are going to be significantly less.

Because there's significantly less competition on YouTube, you'll have a much easier time getting organically found by your ideal audience if you focus your efforts there instead of Google. Which will then help continuously bring you new leads!

But not only that, YouTube videos will help you prime your leads if you're doing it right. Because unlike Instagram with their annoying character limits, YouTube videos allow people to get a feel for your personality, your teaching style, and how you operate.

How To Get More Leads For Your Business With Guest Speaking In 2023

The fourth strategy you should use to get more leads for your business in 2023 is guest speaking. And there are soooo many options for this!

You can do guest speaking at virtual conferences, local universities, mastermind programs, in-person retreats. You can record a training video that people can then put inside their digital courses. You can speak on other people’s podcasts.

Guest speaking is any type of partnership where you get to speak in front of other people's audiences.

And like I mentioned before with creating shareable content, imagine the COMPOUND EFFECT of doing guest speaking on a consistent basis. That’s why doing guest speaking is a really easy and more efficient way for you to get more leads for your business.

For example, let's say you do even just ONE podcast interview per month. That's 12 podcast interviews over the entire year. You’ll get in front of 12 different audiences.

So now let’s think about how BIG each of those audiences could be.

Not only will that podcast interview go up on the podcast platform, where you'll get exposed to all the people who are listening to the podcast… the podcast host will probably also post it on their social media accounts. And they might also email it to their audience if they have an email newsletter. That’s a triple threat right there!

Ready to get more leads for your business?

I could go on for freaking days about how to get more leads for your business, but no one wants to sit here reading a blog post for two hours. (Otherwise, you would've bought a book on how to get more leads for your business, right? lol)

So if you want more help and strategies to get more leads for your business, go take my quiz because it will give you a detailed analysis of where exactly you are in your business right now, what your next steps are gonna be, and some free resources to help you get there.


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